First Name

    Last Name

    Phone Number

    Email address

    Services needed

    Size of move

    Where from?

    Where to?

    Approximate moving date

    Anything else you'd like to tell us?

    The most important factor to consider when choosing your moving company isn’t the date, it isn’t even the quoted price, it is the consumer reviews available. Consumer awareness is key to ensuring a peaceful and on budget move. Whether it be around the corner, or across the state you need to be confident in the services provided. 

    Jake’s Moving and Storage operates across DC, MD, and VA  municipalities providing only the highest quality and trustworthy movers.

    Unfortunately over the past few years the instances of fraudulent movers and companies taking advantage of unknowing consumers has risen to dangerous levels. Most recently a single mother with a disabled daughter in Maryland were taken advantage of and came dangerously close to losing all of their possessions. The moving company they hired nearly tripled the quoted price after loading all of their things onto the truck and refused to release their property until the Attorney General stepped in to assist.

    Quoting a price that seems to good to be true often is. Another couple in New York state found out the hard way when their items were held and then stored against their wishes until the new exorbitant price was paid in full.

    “ We felt like we didn’t have a choice,” Kelly Willis told us over the phone, “ they showed up at the door expecting double what we had agreed upon and  threatened to keep our things unless we payed the price in full. It was devastating.” Since then thankfully Kelly and her family were able to get their money back but it was a long legal process that dampened her new home experience.

    So what can you do to make sure a similar situation doesn’t happen to you? Be a smart consumer and follow these simple guidelines

    • Encourage the moving company to do an on-site inspection to give you an accurate estimate of your total moving cost.
    • Ensure they accept various forms of payment. Companies that want cash only are generally less secure.
    • Check the company  Web site for a local address and information about licensing. Any inquiry you make should be answered professionally and with courtesy.
    • Be on site when movers arrive and make a point of interacting with the staff. If something feels weird you have the right to cancel the appointment.

    Our years of Experience have lent us valuable knowledge in the Moving and Storage world. Jake’s Moving and Storage is proud of the great reputation we have maintained and the variety of moving service we make available to our loyal customers.

    To witness the disturbing trend of fraudulent moving companies first hand click on the link below.

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