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    The time has come to dust off the china and give the house a thorough sweep just in time for the spring thaw. We at Jake’s Moving know that this task can seem overwhelming and dull so we’ve compiled a list of tips to help you beat the blues and get your house in tip top shape. Whether you are preparing to move and need your home to sparkle before it’s listed or are just looking to spruce up your surroundings trust the experts at Jake’s moving to get you motivated.

    Linens and Fabrics

    Over the winter your fabrics and upholstery can begin to look drab and worn out, following my simple steps you can revive your well used and loved fabrics in no time at all. Remove all bedding and mattress pads and wash on a gentle cycle ensuring things that can not be put in the dryer are left to air dry instead. Help avoid lumpy pillows by putting a clean tennis ball in the dryer to fluff them as they spin. Placing curtains in the dryer on air fluff cycle with a damp towel to attract dust does wonders to reinvigorate the appearance of your window dressing and can make all the difference in listing photos when you prepare to move to a new home. Throw rugs and smaller carpets should be hung outside and beat to remove obnoxious dust and allergens. Deep cleaning carpets is recommended using a rented carpet cleaner and gentle soaps that will remove stains without risking damage to carpet material or dyes. We recommend the following solution to clean natural fiber carpets:

    • Mix one teaspoon of translucent liquid dish washing detergent, such as Dawn or Joy, into 1 cup of lukewarm water.
    • Adding a teaspoon of liquid fabric softener to bleach to wash floors sanitizes and refreshes.  

    Heavy carpets and upholstery can be tricky to move on your own, so why not allow us to assist you. My friendly and courteous employees can help you move furniture and upholstery at your convenience.

    Exterior and Garden

    Removing window blinds can be a hassle and hosing them down messy work. Jake’s Moving staff doesn’t mind the dirty work and when it comes to exterior spring cleaning we have you covered. Whether is lugging heavy bags of dirt or moving your outdoor furniture from the garage to the patio we know how important you outdoor space is to you and want it to look the way you desire. Eliminating clutter from your garage is essential for streamlining your life after winter has ended. Boxing up winter tools, holiday lighting and snow shovels can be tedious and annoying work but we have the will and the way to assist you. Jake’s moving has a variety of box sizes the muscle to move them to hard to reach storage spaces.  We also specialize in junk removal and know the most efficient way to tidy your yard to your specifications.

    Home office and work spaces

    Helpful Spring Cleaning Tips - Jake's Moving and Storage

    Boxing up old papers and files is essential to keeping your home work space user friendly. Consider using filing cabinets to separate years of tax information and investing in new desk supplies. Changing the lighting and furniture in a home work space can increase your productivity and help potential home buyers envision themselves in your home. Assisting you with assembly and dis-assembly would be our pleasure and delivering new furniture in a timely manner can make all the difference during your spring cleaning session.

    Overlooked surfaces

    Dusting and vacuuming hard to reach or hidden spaces is vital to ensure your home is fresh and welcoming for a new season. Use baby wipes for gentle cleaning and eliminating surface stains. Gentle on your skin as you clean and less harsh on home surfaces they are also a cheap and easy alternative. Use a clean paint roller dipped in a mild cleaning solution to wash walls and popcorn ceilings. Scrubbing down walls can help your room appear brighter and inviting, eliminating environmental stains on wall paint creates a wonderful atmosphere. Boxing up books and seasonal home accessories for storage can make your space appear larger and easier to market to potential home buyers. Pulling out the fridge and dishwasher is back breaking work but we are here to assist you, Jake’s Moving has the best employees who are sure to aid you during your spring cleaning session.

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