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    Moving into a new home is an exciting and sometimes challenging time. You want to ensure that the nitty gritty details of moving are handled by a professional like Jake’s Movers to eliminate unnecessary headaches, but what about ensuring you have an auspicious move. Many cultures believe in bringing luck and prosperity into a new home in different ways and we’ve compiled a few tips to make sure your new home is destined for success.

    Choose the right date

    Consulting a Chinese almanac for a lucky date can start your journey off in the right direction.  Some people consult astrological omens as well to see if the day they want to move is destined to be successful. Western traditions warn against moving on a rainy day or Friday the 13th but not matter when you decide to go the professional staff at Jake’s movers are happy to support you every step of the way. Available on short notice find out more about our expansive service area! Your satisfaction is our guarantee!

    Set up the bedroom first

    Setting up new bedroom furniture is a hassle but our helpful movers can take care of the heavy lifting and assembly. Treat yourself to a new bedroom set and create a space of comfort and relaxation. Feng shui principles dictate placing your bed diagonally in front of the door so you can still see someone entering but in a way that you are not interfering with the chi. Be cautious about positioning your bed below or in front of a window as well. The energy in your room should be positive and easy going, and eliminating excess clutter works in your favor. For storage and junk removal contact us today.

    Leave the past behind

    Buy a new broom and sweep the past out of your new home or office space. Not that everything was negative in your old home but starting afresh can be an empowering and fun change! Superstition holds that buying a new broom when entering a new home will help bring in the luck and positivity you deserve.Start again and on a good foot but making sure all of your cleaning supplies are new and unopened when you move in.  For the best spring cleaning tips you can check out our previous blog post Helpful Spring Cleaning Tips.

    Have a housewarming party

    Bringing friends into your home creates an atmosphere of fun, love, and lightness you need in a new home. Be wary of receiving knives as a housewarming gift though, as superstition holds that this kind of gift can create conflict between relations and invite quarrels. If you do receive a new knife block though not to worry, just give your friend a symbolic gift of a penny or other small currency to reverse the bad luck. Gifts of food and fruit show wishes of prosperity and wealth in a new home so encourage your friends to bring you a tasty cake or other baked goods. Every culture has rules for which flowers are beneficial for a new home but we at Jake’s Movers always recommend fresh cut flowers or house plants to welcome you to a new home and create an atmosphere of light and color. 

    Trust Jake’s Tips

    No matter the circumstances of your move we are here to help you with it all.  Whether it be with moving and assembly, storage or long distance hauling, Jake’s Moving and Storage does it all. Your home is your sanctuary so build a space that suits your life and needs and bring the good luck in!

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