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    Moving your pets is stressful for you and your pets. Click here for some animal transport tips to get you through your next move.

    Moving is a stressful event for any of us, but especially so when you’re dealing with pets, who rely on routine and the comfort of their own surroundings.

    And with 68% of American households owning at least one pet, preparations for animal transport are a big concern for millions. If you don’t adequately prepare, you may find your pet unable to cope in their new environment.

    But with so many other things to sort out, it can be a mess trying to organize it all.

    Well, don’t worry, because we’ve got some animal transport tips for you to consider as you prepare to get your house move underway.


    Plan Ahead and Prepare Your Pets


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    Preparation is the best way for you to stay ahead of your move and eliminate any stress. That includes any preparations you need to make for your animal transport.

    Pets rely on their judgment of their environment to make decisions, so any changes in that, or their routine, could cause you problems. Introduce animal carriers early, for instance, so that your pets can become familiar with them.

    If you’re traveling by car, take your pets on a few longer journeys to see how they cope. If your pet only sees the car when they’re heading to the vets, this could help make them anxious on the day. Providing new, more positive experiences for them could overcome this.

    It’s important to be fully prepared for your move, as early as possible. Why not take a look at our 1-month moving timeline to see if you’re ready?

    Speak to Your Vet and Ensure Vaccinations and Records Are up to Date

    If you’re moving and you discover your pet has a problem, for instance with travel or anxiety, you should speak with your vet as soon as possible.

    Your vet might be able to provide medication for your animals that makes animal transport a much more pleasant experience for them. If they struggle with travel sickness, make sure your vet is aware of it.

    It’s also a good time to get vaccinations for your pets up to date, as well as update any existing records. If your pets are microchipped, your vet can update the details on these to reflect your new home before your move.

    If you’re moving out of state, make sure your pets have the right health certifications and permits. Discuss these and any other requirements before moving to your vet.

    Prepare a New Vet (If You’re Moving Long Distance)

    As important as talking to your existing vet is making sure you have a new one in mind, especially if you’re moving long distance.

    It’s worth speaking to your existing vet, who may have their own recommendations for trustworthy alternatives they can refer you to in your new area.

    And remember, monitoring your pets after moving is vital, as is booking a checkup. Longer term anxiety or problems integrating into their new environment may point to a bigger concern, which your new vet may help to resolve.

    It can be hard to find the right vet you can trust, so keep this cheat sheet to picking a new vet handy.

    Be Organized on the Day (And Just Before)

    Do you have a moving day game plan? Well, don’t leave it until the day to put one together. In fact, to reduce the stress your pet feels, it’s best to begin your animal transport preparations as soon as you can.

    Your first priority is to make everything feel normal for your pet for as long as possible. Don’t pack away their bowls, litter trays, or other pet essentials until the very last moment.

    On your moving day, give your pet some space to feel calm. If the atmosphere in your home is going to be hectic, see if you can find a pet sitter who will look after your pets elsewhere.

    If you’re left with no other choice, don’t let your pets locked up or alone for too long. Try and spend some time with them and give them lots of reassurance (and treats!) until you’re ready to get underway.

    Think About Long Distance

    If you’re moving long distance, you need to think about how your pets are going to travel, and how you’re going to deal with any stops along the way.

    Long trips in the car aren’t going to be good for your pets, and may simply add to their stress. You may need to factor in stops to give them space and time to relax, as well as to ‘relieve’ themselves outside.

    Moving internationally? Consider the State Department advice on international pet travel if you’re departing the United States. Check with your airline regulations for individual rules on pet travel, both stateside or internationally.

    If you’re not traveling by air, but you’re still moving out of state, you should think about places to stay that allow you to have pets. Finding yourself a pet-friendly hotel on your route can give both you and your pet a chance to rest if you can’t complete your journey in one day.


    Let Your Pets Acclimatize

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    Giving your pet time to acclimatize to their new environment is as important as preparing for the move. If you don’t, your pet may never learn to settle in their new home.

    Don’t let them roam too far until they’ve become completely familiar with their new home, and you’ve had the chance to let them explore with you close by. If you don’t, your pets may run away in the confusion.

    You may not have a chance to do this before you arrive, but it’s also a good idea to make an inspection of your new home to check for any immediate risks to your pet’s health. Dangerous plants, loose wires, or easy escape routes should all be checked, secured and put away.

    Don’t Let Animal Transport Affect Your House Move

    With the right preparation, you can get your house move – pets and all – off without a hitch.

    But it’s important to remember the essentials. Work with your vet to update your records and prepare your pets for the anxiety of moving, as well as ensuring they’re vaccinated and medicated correctly.

    And once you’re in your new home, don’t forget to help your pet acclimatize to the environment. If you let them out too soon, you might lose them!

    Whether you’re moving locally or long distance, don’t let anxiety about your house move trouble you. Hiring a moving firm like ours at Jake’s Moving and Storage could help you move stress-free. Grab a free quote from us today.

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