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    Ever noticed how most moving checklists start months in advance?

    The fact is, life isn’t always that easy and last minute moving is a common situation that many people face.

    For example:

    One of the most typical reasons for moving is the result of a new job. So what do you do when your dream job calls and says you start in one week? You start packing and move as fast as you can. And according to an article in Forbes, job hopping is becoming more and more common;

    “ Ninety-one percent of Millennials (born between 1977-1997) expect to stay in a job for less than three years.”

    Some other reasons that might cause us to move in a hurry include a family emergency, your dream home suddenly becoming available, or perhaps you just waited until the last minute. Whatever the reason, the important thing is not to panic. We understand how overwhelming moving can be even when you have plenty of time. So, we have come up with a few tips to help make last minute moving a whole lot easier for you.

    And as an extra bonus, be sure check out these common moving terms!


    Expert Advice To Make Moving At The Last Minute Less Stressful

    How To Pack In A Rush

    First, get packing supplies. You can load up on boxes from your local grocery store or enlist help from a reliable packing service.

    Next, the easiest way to pack up quickly is to go room to room. Start with rooms containing items that you don’t use as much. If you’ve got kids, have them pick out 2 favorite toys to keep and pack the rest. You can also pack all of your kitchenware and rely on takeout and disposable dishes until you move. Be sure to check out some of our other posts that will help make moving easier.


    Get Rid Of Junk

    Life Saving Secrets To Last Minute Moving - Jake's Moving and Storage

    If you think about it…

    Moving quickly is a great way to finally get rid of your junk that you have been meaning to sort through, but never got around to.

    The trick is to sort everything into 3 piles: Keep, toss and donate.

    If you are really in a rush, you may want to consider storing items you don’t need right away. This is a great way to quickly get everything out of your old place without the risk of tossing something you might need later. Then, you can go through everything after you move and you have more time.


    Don’t Sweat The Big Stuff

    A surefire way to make last minute packing and moving easier is not to waste time taking everything out of your drawers and cabinets. Keep everything as it is and let professionals worry about moving heavy items for you.

    Another thing you don’t have to worry about is your furniture. You can hire a moving company that provides furniture disassembly and assembly services. This will allow you to spend more time focusing on things like changing your address and setting up utilities at your new place.

    Bonus tip!

    Consider taking advantage of auto transport and shipping services so that your vehicles will be waiting for you at your new home when you arrive.


    Warnings About Last Minute Moving Scams

    When you are in a rush it is tempting to hire the first company you find, but be careful! Make sure that your movers are licensed, bonded and insured before you make a decision. Also, even many licensed companies may take advantage of people that need to move quickly by charging extra for last minute moving.

    Your Solution:

    At Jake’s Moving And Storage we provide a flat rate fee weather you are moving in  6 months, 1 month or if you are moving in 24 hours. Let our local experts help make things easier for you. Contact us for a free quote and learn more about our full range of moving and storage solutions.

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