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    Expert Advice For Long Distance Moving To Make Your Life Easier

    The phrase “long distance moving” has been known to strike fear and frustration into the hearts and minds of just about everyone.

    If you are planning to move to another city, another state, or even across the country, you’re probably wondering; isn’t there any way to make moving long distance easier?

    We’ll there is.

    Jake’s Moving And Storage is back with our expert guide to long distance moving!

    By avoiding some of the more common moving mistakes like waiting until the last minute, and following our simple guide here, you can avoid disasters and get to your new home refreshed and ready for the next chapter in your life.


    The Top 5 Tips To Ensure A More Successful Long Distance Move


    #1. Decide What To Keep, And What To Toss

    5 Surefire Tips To Make Long Distance Moving Less Stressful - Jake's Moving and Storage

    Whether you are moving across the country or moving into another unit in your current apartment building, junk removal is one of the best ways to make moving easier.

    But how do you decide what to get rid of?

    We get it, it’s not so easy deciding what stays and what goes. Some things have great sentimental value and you are not ready to part with it.

    And that’s ok.

    You don’t have to ditch everything that is not essential. Just consider Oprah’s toss it or keep it tips!

    Oprah says to keep it if:

    • It holds more sentimental value than other items
    • You still use it regularly
    • You would still purchase it if you saw it today

    Oprah says to toss it if:

    • You have more than one
    • If you don’t know what it is
    • If your gut says so

    #2. Get Car Transport Services

    If you are relocating long distance there are many reasons why auto transport services can be a lifesaver.

    Just image, you pack up a few essentials in a small suitcase and hop on a plane. When you arrive, all of your belongings, including your car is waiting for you at your new home.

    And consider this:

    Most families today have more than one vehicle. But who wants to drive all the way across the country on their own?

    It will be a much more enjoyable trip with everyone together. And you can share the driving with your spouse. So, drive altogether in one car and have the second car shipped.

    The truth is:

    Road Trips are stressful enough when you don’t have a fleet of vehicles to worry about. But with our vehicle transport services, you can relax knowing your car is in good hands.


    #3. Don’t Lose Sight Of The Big Picture

    5 Surefire Tips To Make Long Distance Moving Less Stressful - Jake's Moving and Storage

    Basically, one of the main tips to a less stressful move is to stay organized.

    This may seem like an obvious tip, but it is worth mentioning because many of us tend to overlook the obvious.

    Staying organized doesn’t just mean making a to-do list.

    In order to truly prepare for long distance moving, getting organized has gotten a lot more high-tech.

    For instance:

    Nowadays, there are tons of awesome apps for moving that can help you with everything from forwarding your mail to selling old furniture.

    We also suggest:

    Gather all important documents such as medical records and school records in advance. And, find out who will be your new service providers and set up appointments in advance for cable and internet installation.

    In short, simple moving checklists are great. Just be sure to look at the big picture because part of a successful move means staying organized both before and after your move.

    And for those of you who don’t have the luxury of having a few weeks to prepare, be sure to check out our guide to last minute moving.


    #4. Consider Storage Options

    One obvious reason to store some of your belongings is if you are only moving for a short time. For example, many people have to relocate for work for just one year. Then, they move back to their old home.

    In other cases:

    Many students take advantage of storage options during their summer vacation.

    Or maybe, you will be moving into an apartment temporarily when you first move but plan on finding a new home after you get settled. In this situation, it will be much easier to store items you won’t need immediately and have them shipped once you found your new, permanent home.

    Whatever the situation may be, we strongly recommend at least considering having some of your stuff stored. And we have excellent storage solutions to help you no matter the circumstance.


    #5. Hire Professional Packers

    5 Surefire Tips To Make Long Distance Moving Less Stressful - Jake's Moving and Storage

    Don’t let this happen to you:

    You plan on saving some money by moving all of your furniture yourself. Then, you end up damaging something and you spend more money in the end on repairs.

    What you should do instead:

    Thanks to the affordable white glove moving services at Jake’s, you don’t have to spend a fortune to get reliable movers.

    We will make every aspect of your move easier thanks to our complete range of services that include:

    • Furniture assembly and disassembly
    • Moving your antiques
    • Moving heavy items
    • Auto transportation

    And more!

    And don’t forget to check out our guide to preparing for our professional packing services. We will help you along every step of the way to ensure that your move is as easy as possible.

    You see:

    We are here for all of your local and long distance moving needs. We are a family run business and we work hard to ensure that your needs are met.

    Call now for a free quote, schedule our movers, and get more advice from our moving experts.

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