So, you decided it’s time to take your relationship to the next level and you are going to move in together, now what?
Well, we are your top moving company in Maryland, DC and Virginia and we are here to help make moving easier for you. Whether you are starting fresh in a brand new place or one of you is moving into the other’s home, here are 5 simple rules to make moving in together a lot less stressful.
# 1. Get A Storage Unit
If you are like most couples moving in together for the first time, you are probably going to have more things than you have room for. Instead of arguing over what stays and what goes, consider putting things in storage. It doesn’t cost a lot of money and no one will be forced to get rid of anything that they don’t want.
Then, after you are all settled in your new place and things are less tense, you can revisit the topic of where to put your old high school track trophies or record collection. Or, you can store your belongings for a longer period of time. That way, you can keep things boxed up until a later date, should you decide to move into a bigger place together.
On the other hand, it may be time to get rid of some stuff.
# 2. Get Rid Of Junk
We’ve all been there.
You have been talking about getting rid of that old sweatshirt collection for years, but you just can’t seem to find the time.
Well, the time has come!
Moving provides the perfect opportunity to get rid of junk. So go ahead and store anything that you don’t want to part with, but as you are packing up your stuff, go through your closet and donate those clothes you are never going to wear again. This is the absolute best way to make moving in together easier, and you can remove unwanted clutter from your life.
Junk removal is always a great way to make long distance moving easier!
# 3. Decide When To Get New Furniture And When To Use Old Stuff
Picture this:
You move into your partner’s home and all of the furniture and decorations belong to them. Even if you don’t hate their taste and their couch is incredibly comfortable, it will be difficult to feel at home when everything belongs to someone else.
We suggest purchasing a few new items together that you both like. For example, get a new set of sheets and some new coffee mugs. You won’t spend a fortune and these small items will help you both feel more at home.

That said, it is also a good idea to keep a few items as well. You won’t have to break the bank buying all new stuff. Plus, when moving in with someone for the first time, it is important that you each try to maintain some sense of independence. Combining your favorite old chair with a new coffe table that they picked out will help you find that perfect balance between your old life and your new one.
A Warning About Buying New Furniture
Anyone that has been to Ikea knows that trying to assemble furniture together can put a huge strain on even the strongest of relationships. So, if you do decide to go in on larger items together, consider getting furniture assembly services.
# 4. Take A Break
No matter how strong you are as a couple, moving is stressful. The fact is, you are probably going get into at least a few arguments throughout the whole process.
The key is:
Know when to push on to get things done, and know when it is time to take a break. If you have been unpacking for hours and can’t stop arguing over what temperature to keep the thermostat at, just stop. Drop what you are doing and go get something to eat or see a movie about moving. Even if it is just for an hour or two, do something fun together. You will remember why you want to live with this person and this will help energize you to get back to organizing and unpacking when you get back home. If you had to move at the last minute because of a new job, for example, you might not be able to take a long break. In that case you can simply go for a short walk around your new neighborhood. Believe us the fresh air will make a world of difference.
If you had to move at the last minute because of a new job, for example, you might not be able to take a long break. In that case, you can simply go for a short walk around your new neighborhood. Believe us the fresh air will make a world of difference.
# 5. Invite Friends Over

Another surefire way to making moving in together easier is to invite some friends over as soon as you are settled. Nothing brings a couple together more than entertaining together.
You don’t need to plan a huge housewarming party with hundreds of your closest friends either (unless you want to). Just invite a few people over for pizza or a game night. Show off your new place and laugh as you tell everyone about what it was like to move in together.
And if that’s not enough…
More helpful tips and moving in together advice:
- Use words like “ours” instead of “mine”
- Put both names on the mailbox
- Put both names on the lease
- Check with your partner before moving things around or throwing anything away
- Discuss the bills in advance
- Make sure to help each other out when it comes time to spring cleaning!
We hope you found these moving tips helpful! And don’t forget to visit our website to learn more about our awesome moving services, and to request a free quote.
For a quick way to lighten the mood in stressful moving situations, check out some of these top home TV shows.
So, all that’s left is to say congratulations and enjoy your new home together!