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    Awesome Summer Decorating Tips That Anyone Can Master


    If you are looking for quick and simple summer decorating tips to help chase away those wintertime blues, you’ve come to the right place.

    We are Jake’s Moving and Storage, your top movers in Maryland, DC, and Virginia. And we understand better than anyone that just like moving, redecorating your home can be a stressful and time-consuming task. Not to worry, we are here to help.

    Recently, we gave you some helpful tips for spring cleaning. Now, It’s time to get ready for summer!

    If you’re like most people, you probably spent half of the winter telling yourself that; “This year is the year, I’m finally going to take the time to do some summer decorating.”

    Easier said than done!

    The fact is, many of us are so busy that before we know it, the leaves are starting to fall from the trees and our home looks just the same as it did the previous year.

    But why re-decorate for the summer anyway?


    The Top Reasons To Redecorate Your Home Each Season

    The Top 5 Summer Decorating Tips When You Are Short On Time, Money, And Skills - Jake's Moving and Storage

    To start with, seasonal depression is real, affecting up to 20% of Americans each year. Luckily, switching things up in the home is a great way to keep the symptoms at bay.

    According to psychotherapist and wellness expert, Jenny Giblin;

    “You may not be able to control the weather around you, but you can control your own environment. Simple switches like painting your walls a brighter or lighter color, buying colorful office supplies, hanging inspiring artwork, and changing the background of your computer to a beachy scene can lift your spirits.”

    Learn more about this and other ways to prevent seasonal depression at

    * Please note this is not official medical advice and you should consult a medical professional regarding the diagnosis and treatment of depression.

    Another important reason to make a change for the summer:

    Another great reason to switch things up as the weather gets warmer is that you can turn your summer decorating adventure into a fun activity for the whole family. By getting everyone involved, you don’t have to do it all alone and it is a great way to keep the kids occupied between the time when school ends and their summer activities begin.

    Suggesting readings:

    Avoid Seasonal Depression With These Insanely Easy Winter Decorating Tips
    10 Amazingly Simple Fall Decorating Tips

    And you won’t want to miss our post on The Best Home TV Shows! 

    So, now that you know why it is important to change your home decor a bit for the summer, let’s get into the how.


    The Top 5 Fast, Affordable, Easy, And Fun Ways To Redecorate Your Home For The Summer


    For those of you out there that want to redecorate for the summer but are low on time and funds, or are having trouble channeling their inner Martha Stewart, this is for you.


    # 5. Re-Purpose Your Fireplace

    The Top 5 Summer Decorating Tips When You Are Short On Time, Money, And Skills - Jake's Moving and Storage

    For many of us, the fireplace is the focal point of the living room. So why would you want that space to be dark, empty, and depressing all summer?


    Fill your fireplace with some of those art projects your kids made during the year. Or, you can fill it with a basket of wild flowers or add an assortment of scented candles. This simple change will quickly transform your living area.


    # 4. Pillows Aren’t Just For Sleeping

    New throw pillows with fun, vibrant colors and patterns automatically make any room in your home more inviting.

    Add pillows to your couch, your chairs, even pile a few up in a corner of your family room for an extra seating area.

    But what about the money?

    Try checking out local craft fairs and farmer’s markets for good deals on great styles. Or, you can find inexpensive fabric and just cover up the pillows you already have. With just a pair of scissors and a few stitches, your old pillows will feel like new. And, you can easily change them back whenever you feel like it.


    # 3. Painting For Pleasure

    We know what you’re thinking, painting always sounds like a good idea, then it turns into a big mess and a huge hassle.

    But it doesn’t have to be.

    We’re not talking about repainting your whole house here. The trick is to just add little pops of color here and there and you won’t believe what a difference it will make.

    Some super easy painting ideas:

    • Paint a few vases and add flowers for even more color
    • Get some blank canvas for the kids to paint and hang their creations on the wall
    • Paint the trim of a dresser or night table to a brighter color

    # 2. If You Don’t Need It, Store It

    We provide local, affordable storage solutions so you have no excuse not to store some of your winter items this summer. Store your winter clothes, your ski’s, or anything else that is cluttering up your home and that you don’t need for the summer.

    You’ll be glad you did!

    You can use the extra space for some fun summertime decorations and activities. And, having even a little extra room will make your home feel more spacious, leaving you with a fresh new feeling for the summer.


    # 1. Move It Out

    The Top 5 Summer Decorating Tips When You Are Short On Time, Money, And Skills - Jake's Moving and Storage

    One of the best parts about summer is spending more time enjoying the outdoors with BBQ’s, picnics, setting up a slip n slide, or having a romantic even watching the sunset. But, you may not want to invest in completely re-doing your yard.

    So, here are a few options to save some money and still enjoy the fresh air.

    To avoid spending a fortune, considering moving some of your indoor furniture outside for the summer. You can move your kitchen table outside or move the ping pong table from the basement to the back yard.

    And don’t worry about moving heavy furniture on your own because we have an amazing in-house moving team that can help you out.

    Bonus tip:

    Adding a few tiki torches to your yard is a simple and affordable way to create a yard that makes you feel like you are on vacation. Also, you can get some of those holiday lights out of storage and string them up on the trees to add extra light.

    So you see…

    With these summer decorating tips, just about anyone can revamp their home quickly, easily, and without breaking the bank.

    Be sure to contact Jake’s Moving And Storage for all of your local and long distance moving needs, even if you’re not going anywhere. We can also help you with all of your student moving needs for when your empty nest gets full again. And, if you need to transport your car down to Florida for the summer, we do that too!

    Go ahead, give us call and get a free quote today!!

    Suggested Reading: Top 5 Tips For Long Distancing Moving and Get Ready To Move In Just One Month With Our Moving Timeline

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