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    Moving To A New Home Doesn’t Have To Be So Stressful Thanks To Our Moving Timeline

    If you are lucky, you will have plenty of time to get organized and prepare for your big move. But even with all the time in the world, moving somehow always seems to take a dark turn at some point. But, the expert movers at Jake’s Moving and Storage have come up with the perfect packing and moving timeline to help ease the stress.

    Our moving and packing timeline here is designed to begin approximately one month before your moving date.

    But for those of you with limited time, not to worry. We also provide last minute moving services, and this moving checklist here can still serve as a valuable guide even if you only have a few days to organize your move.

    So, whether you are moving to a new home in the same area, or you are getting ready for a long distance move, just following our simple timeline here and you’ll be just fine.


    How To Prepare For Moving – Your Personal Timeline For Moving Into A New Home

    1 Month Before You Move


    If you have plenty of time before you move here are a few things you should get out of the way early on.

    #1. Get Rid Of Junk

    One of the most common moving mistakes that people make is that they don’t take the time to go through everything and get rid of junk in advance.

    We suggest that you go through your closets and remove any unwanted or unnecessary items. You can hold a yard sale or donate to charity. And anything that is left over that you don’t know what to do with, you can take advantage of our junk removal services.

    #2. Document Your Valuables

    Take an afternoon to go over all of your valuable items. This includes everything from larger items like a piano or china cabinet, to smaller items like jewelry or other family heirlooms. Determine the value and keep an organized list of everything for insurance purposes, should anything need to be replaced.

    And who knows, you may end up finding some hidden treasure hiding in your attic.


    #3. Choose A Moving Company

    This is the easy part.

    Feel free to look around, do some research, and get estimates.

    But, to ensure that you don’t make a critical mistake when hiring movers, choose Jake’s Moving and Storage. We are fully licensed, bonded, and insured and we do it all. From packing and unpacking, heavy furniture moving, vehicle transportation, you name, we do it.

    And, we are a family owned and operated business, committed to putting our customer’s needs first.

    Keep in mind:

    Everyone’s moving needs are different and this timeline is a general guide suitable for most moves. If you have the time, you can start this process even earlier. But if you begin about four to six weeks before you move, you should have plenty of time.


    3 Weeks Before You Move

    Your Easy To Follow Moving Timeline: Get Ready To Move In Just 1 Month - Jake's Moving and Storage

    In this stage, it’s all about “pre-packing”

    There are plenty of things that you won’t be able to pack until later on. On the other hand, there of tons of items that you won’t need at all.

    Simply put, if it’s out of season, pack it up.

    If you are moving in the summer:

    Pack up all of your bulky winter sweaters and those winter holiday decorations now. You also probably won’t be needing your skis or snow blower in the next few weeks.

    If you are moving in the winter:

    Sure, summer clothes don’t take up too much room. But, you will be surprised how much space you can clear out if you organize all of your summer items and pack them up in advance.

    Have a garage full of boogie boards and beach chairs? Pack them up and leave only what you will need.

    Additional items to consider packing up as early as possible:

    • Books, photo albums, and DVDs
    • Games and toys
    • Non-essential kitchen ware and toiletries

    You don’t want to pack up your child’s favorite stuffed animal three weeks before you move, and feel free to keep one or two books or toys handy. But, you probably won’t read 20 books in the three weeks before you move.

    So, leave out a few essentials and pack up the rest.

    And if needed, here are a few tips to prepare for professional packing services.


    2 Weeks Before You Move

    Now is the time to get down to business. Here are 5 things you should take care of two weeks before the big day.

    1. Confirm your new address: Contact all relevant parties such as the post office, your bank, etc…
    2. Return borrowed items: Give back those library books and return the neighbor’s Tupperware.
    3. Make arrangements for the big day: Arrange for someone to watch your children and/or pets on moving day, if needed.
    4. Contact service providers: Get in touch with old and new service providers like the internet, phone, gas, and electric companies. Cancel with the old providers and confirm set up dates with the new ones.
    5. Organize documents: Get any necessary records before you move such as school records, dental and medical records, and so on.

    Now is also the time to go over any other details you may need to consider such as filling prescriptions, arranging to take time off work if needed, finding a cleaning service, and so on.

    Everyone has their own specific moving needs. If you have any questions at all before you move, don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to help you come up with a more personalized plan.


    You’ve Got 1 Week Before You Move, Here Is What To Do

    Now is the time to get serious about packing. And don’t worry, there are plenty of tricks to make this process easier. Even something as simple as making sure you have plenty of markers and plastic bags handy, can you stay organized.

    Suggested reading: Common Household Items Guaranteed To Make Moving Easier

    During this time you will want to pack up almost all remaining items in and around your home. Be sure to set aside a few essential items to keep with you during your journey and pack up everything else.

    You will also want to empty out your fridge, re-confirm all moving details with your movers and service providers, and you may want to consider getting together with your neighbors and friends to say good bye.


    What To Do On The Day Of Your Move

    Your Easy To Follow Moving Timeline: Get Ready To Move In Just 1 Month - Jake's Moving and Storage

    The big day has finally arrived. If you have followed all our tips till now, the day of your move should go smoothly and most of the big tasks will have been completed.

    By this point, the only items you should have left to pack are small essentials like your toothbrush, essential medications, and a change of clothes.

    And don’t forget…

    After everything has been moved out and loaded onto the truck, be sure to do a final walk through of your home so you don’t leave anything behind.

    And after you move, here are a few secrets to help you start enjoying your new home right away.

    Learn more about what you need to do on moving day! 

    Bonus Tip!

    Technology has come a long way and there are tons of life-saving apps available to help you with your move. You can learn about some of our favorites in our post: The Top 5 Apps For Moving.

    Another bonus app that is not mentioned in this post is MoveAdvisor.

    MoveAdvisor for iPhone

    MoveAdvisor for Android

    We hope that our moving timeline will help you prepare for your next move. And don’t forget, the experts at Jake’s Moving and Storage are here to help you with every step along the way. Call now to request a free quote and find out more about our complete range of moving services.

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